Monday, January 7, 2013

#SNAPchallenge2013: Sugarlows

I'm not one to make resolutions, as I think they're unrealistic and difficult to keep. But I did have one hope for myself for the coming year: to cut down on my sugar intake. For an otherwise healthy eater, I eat what is comparatively a considerable amount of sugar. And given that diabetes is a risk in my family, I want to try to head it off as aggressively as possible.

Gimme, Candyman. I want it.
The SNAP Challenge has helped that. Although I have the option of buying sweets and other junk food (a common concern about SNAP that I'll address in a future post), I am opting not to. Why? Well, one complaint that I hear from students and younger professional friends is that it's difficult to eat healthy because of cost. I understand that claim, but I am equally understanding of the fact that there are ways around what seems like considerable expense. I want to make this a healthy endeavor to prove that it CAN be a healthy endeavor.

But let me tell you, it has been hard. I spent about 4 hours of Saturday thinking about chocolate. Different kinds of chocolate, what I would buy if I broke and needed to get some, even with sorts of chocolate that I don't typically like or eat. I notice around the same time of day- late afternoon. It's going to be a hard habit to break, but I'm trying my very best.

What are your trouble foods that you'd miss if you had to get rid of them? Any creative tips on what I can replace my sweets with?

I'm doing this in hopes to raise awareness about food instability, and money for the Greater Boston Food Bank. Should you feel compelled to give to the latter, please click the link below! I thank you, as will those who benefit from the money that you give :)

Previous Posts:
Transformers (Meals in Disguise)

Crunching Some Numbers

Wiggle Room, and Life Getting in the Way

Pondering Privilege

The Pantry Problem

HOW Will You Do It?

Oh SNAP! Introducing SNAP Challenge 2013

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