So What Do Ya Got Around Here?

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Library Streak In Review (Sneak Peek of #oneword2013)

I have spent 19 of the last 26 days, in some capacity, at the library. As someone who is not presently a student, that may seem exorbitant, even weird. I'm sure it is.

But I learned a lot about myself in the process of establishing this streak. The routine of making time for the library each day is something that I really need. I'm learning more and more that I benefit from the regimented nature of such a routine.

It allowed me to explore the city of Boston in an unconventional way (I went to 6 different libraries over the course of the streak). It allowed me to focus more attention on reading and writing- we just cancelled cable at my house, and to have a way to find a substitute for the mindless time that I spent in front of our TV has been rewarding. It provided a quiet space that I don't have at my apartment to do things like study for the GRE and finish doctoral program applications. And perhaps most importantly, I found the introvert's ideal: a way to be alone, while still with people. It is a social endeavor for me to be able to be among people at the library (I did get to speak to new people while I was there) while at the same time focusing on what is generally a solitary endeavor.

Between my time at the library, and other evaluations of what I'd like 2013 to be, I've determined what I want my #oneword2013 to be:


I'm going to dedicate more time to writing in 2013. A goal that I have is to work toward more published articles, and spending 2013 collaborating with colleagues, researching, and recording my thoughts will help me do this. I love spending time writing notes and letters to friends, and want to make more time for that in the new year. I also want to do more blogging, and committing myself to reflective writing- not, as many have noted, listing or bulleting, but really writing. When I was younger, I spent more time writing to express myself, process my feelings, and understand myself. I've spent far less time doing that over the past several years, and notice the lack of focus that has resulted. I want to commit to writing more to contribute knowledge, to connect with friends, and to understand myself.


Who else is doing a #oneword this year? What is it? And how can I support you in living it?


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