Monday, June 4, 2012

#oneword 2012: The Six Month Check In

Here we are, inexplicably halfway through the year 2012 already. If anyone happens to find the first half of my year, let me know. I must have left it somewhere. 

But it's been a good six months so far. I have done my best to stick to my #oneword for the year- LEARN. At times, it's been pretty easy and fun. Other parts haven't been so easy, or I simply haven't given them the attention I had hoped.

The original blog detailing my goals for the year is here, but I'll include them here along with my progress on them. You care ;)

  • The week before winter vacation, I purchased a copy of the Bible. Religion has been something that I've never formed an opinion on, because I never really had the information to do so. I want to spend at least a portion of my year learning about the Bible, and deciding for myself how I would best like to express my faith. This is the aspect of my year that I have admittedly spent the least time on, although leaps and bounds have been taken from any other year in my life. Trying to keep progress in perspective, but I'm a Virgo- the perfectionism is incurable :) I have gone to church only twice so far this year- once, for Easter vigil with Cassidy; and a few weeks ago in Denver with Jeff. The former was a regimented Catholic ceremony, and the latter was a far more informal nondenominational service. My verdict: I think I need something that straddles the two. I like the routine and solitary reflection that comes with Catholic service, yet also appreciate the practical application of the Bible's words that comes with nondenominational service. Still working at it, will keep you posted!
  • A professional goal of mine is to start to pursue opportunities that could allow me to work in wellness education and promotion. That will include joining the American College Health Administrators professional association, working with student wellness groups on campus, collaborating with other student affairs pros to put together an ed session on mental health concerns for SA pros, and taking classes to become certified in nutrition. It seems like a tremendous opportunity to learn more about something I'm interested in now, and turn it into something I would be qualified to pass along to others. In stark contrast to the previous goal, this is the one that I have made the most progress on. Between Open Courseware and actually enrolling in a graduate certificate program in public health, the formal learning has progressed nicely. The content is fascinating, and I feel challenged in a way that I hadn't expected to after grad school. I did join ACHA and have kept up with their publications and newsletters. The ed session was proposed but rejected (no worries), and am looking at turning it into an article. And I'm starting to look at positions in the field of wellness education and health promotions, to start to see what programs I'd like to work in down the road and what it will take to make that happen. I'm excited for what the future holds there!
  • I want to become more involved with professional organizations in student affairs, and will actively seek out opportunities to place myself in the position to learn from more experienced pros. Mixed reviews on this goal. I feel that joining ACHA can work toward this goal, as can going to conferences like NACA and the Student Activities Drive In this past weekend. Additionally, I have written an article that has recently been accepted for publication in Campus Activities Programming magazine (coming this November!), and will be attending the NASPA Region III/SACSA New Professionals Institute next week in Durham, NC. Can't wait to see what else I can do in this regard- I have been embraced fully by this profession, and am ready to give back!
  • Other unexpected educational opportunities
    • Volunteering at Second Harvest of the Big Bend, in particular with the School Nutrition program and about the implications of child hunger;
    • Working with the Area Health Education Program to administer Quit Smoking Now courses, learning about smoking cessation and proven strategies to inspire it in others; and
    • Taking it easy on my race schedule, and finding other ways to stay active. I'm realizing that the rest is making running infinitely easier and less painful, and that a shorter race schedule can be just as fulfilling if you pick right 
What about you? How is your #oneword going? It's not too late to pick one if you haven't designated one yet- what would it be?

1 comment:

  1. This sounds amazing! I am in constant awe of all that you do and all that you are! Great progress! I need to write a reflective 6 month post!
